
MMA Abs Workout


Main Goal

Sports Specific

Workout Type

Strength Training

Fitness Level


Program Duration

12 weeks

Days Per Week

3 days/week

Time Per Workout

10-15 mins

Equipment Required

Exercise ball, bodyweight

Target Gender



Are you ready to sculpt a core as tough as steel? Look no further than the Steel Core MMA Abs Workout Routine. This 12-week program is specially crafted for beginners, focusing on sports performance and aimed at helping you achieve a midsection that can endure anything. Drawing inspiration from the core workouts of competitive MMA athletes, this regimen combines powerful exercises to deliver exceptional results.

This rigorous MMA Abs Workout comprises a series of exercises inspired by the regimens of competitive MMA athletes. You'll utilize movements like Medicine Ball Sit Up to Leg Extension, Thai Plank, Medicine Ball Gut Shredder, Thai Crucifix, Standing Knee to Elbow, Abdominal Air Bike, Side Crunch, and the core-strengthening "Tighten the Core."

No-nonsense and highly effective, the Steel Core MMA Abs Workout Routine is designed to enhance your core strength and endurance over 12 weeks. With workouts scheduled for three days a week and each session lasting just 10-15 minutes, it's an efficient and powerful approach to forge a midsection that can withstand the demands of MMA and beyond. Are you ready to take on the challenge and emerge with a core of steel? Start now!

MMA Abs Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Medicine ball sit ups to leg extension 1 50
Thai plank 1 25 Each Side
Medicine ball gut shredder 1 50 Each Side
Thai crucifix 1 25 Each Side
Standing knee to elbow 1 50 Each Side
Abdominal Air Bike 1 50 Each Side
Side crunch 1 50 Each Side
Core contraction 3 15 reps hold for 15-30 sec

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